
January - Weight Management Month

Free nurse weight clinics throughout January
10% off routine blood tests, in-house thyroid panels and free urinalysis if undertaken secondary to a weight clinic consult

February - Dental Health Month

Free nurse dental checks all month
10% of all dental procedures throughout February

March - Microchip Month

25% off microchipping

April - Weight Management Month

10% off vet health check for cats and dogs aged 10 and older
10% off blood panels and free urinalysis if undertaken secondary to this geriatric health check
10% off blood pressure checks

May - Neutering Month

10% off all neutering this month

June - Parasite Prevention Month

10% of all flea and worm products

July - Itchy Skin Month

10% off diagnostic tests for itchy pets (skin scrapes, hair plucks, cytology, culture and sensitivity)

August - Small Animal Month

20% off vet consultations for rabbits, guinea pigs and other small pets

September - Cat Month

10% off vet consults for medically unwell cats (excludes injuries, trauma, dental disease, skin disease and parasitic infections)
10% off in-house feline blood panels and free urinalysis if taken secondary to a medical consult
10% off blood pressure checks

October - Firework Safety Month

Free firework consultation

November - Arthritis Month

10% off arthritis vet consultation

December - Lumps and Bumps Month

10% off diagnostic investigations of lumps (FNAs and biopsies)